McDonald's family ad a winner

I think that the McDonald's commercial that's been airing on commercial and subscription television networks since (I think) May 2009 is brilliant.

Conjuring up nostalgic feelings of childhood and reminiscing of eating McDonald's after a sports game makes me feel like a McChicken burger.

What's best, though, is that given the major rebranding McDonald's has undergone to show itself as a family-friendly place that serves real food is so well incorporated with the parents drinking their McCafe coffees.

Check it out for yourself.


Anonymous said...

That's just bloody good advertising/marketing though. I agree, it's smart in its approach and dialogue; but simultaneously, the ad is manipulative. If you think its smart, then you have been fooled. The power relations between the corporation and the consumer has been won by the former. Ultimately, this ad still fuels the brand war, which corrupts our public and private space.


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