Country Road Goes For The Win: Hit 'Em From Every Angle

Two hours ago I received an email from Country Road that said "Check out our AW range" and all that blah blah blah. I clicked on it, Safari (yes, I use the unreliable, but not quite as bad as IE, but much more than Firefox, web browser) opened up a neat little PDF with the catalogue and I got to look at it.

Ten minutes ago I walked outside (not for the first time today) and opened the mailbox. In it was a Country Road catalogue and some other stuff included in the post. In an ideal world, they'd have some kind of value-add in there, a coupon, anything to make me go, "Hmm, I need to consume some Country Road".

Anyway, given that SO many brands have people on mailing lists and e-mail lists and in my own experience many of those don't coordinate their send-outs, sometimes the message gets lost. Country Road, you've hit me from every angle - I will see you soon to buy something I probably don't need.

P.S. I bought some plimsolls from your Lygon Street store. They were royally shit and fell apart very quickly and emailed your online customer service - never heard back. Please don't do that again. It's not nice.


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